Just wanted to share a guest post I wrote with all of you for Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership's- Project Pop-Up, Night Market.
The really exciting part? I have been the only person at all of them! Not food, organizers, nada, just erra!
So stay tuned for Night Market VI on Sept 27!!!
<3 nicole @guest post, gallery crawl, boutique 208, erra
Erra Creations Loves the Night Market and wants to see you tonight!
by Nicole Bloch, Erra Creations
I love Downtown Pittsburgh! I used to work Downtown and now jump at every chance I can to go into town for music, food, theater, art and now shopping with the awesome start of Pop-Up shops like Boutique 208! Besides the art in the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust's quarterly Gallery Crawl, has always been one of my favorite affairs to attend because of the vibrant people who light up our city at night.
It was only a year ago that Pittsburgh had not yet experienced a night market. And me? I'd never heard of such a thing. When I did learn of it, I'm pretty sure I squealed with excitement! An artisan and food market that takes over a parking lot in town after work hours- sign me up!
I am the chick behind Erra Creations and I am a born and raised Pittsburgh artist. I love to tinker with just about anything and have become known for my wares from reclaimed bicycle parts! I do shows and events all over in the north east- and can honestly say the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership's Pop-Up: Night Market is one of my 3 favorite events of all time! In addition to the artists who come to show their work, there is amazing food-music-people! Whenever I am asked why I love it so, I reply- It's the best parking lot party ever!
I am so honored that Erra Creations has been the only artist at every Night Market- and hope to see you this Friday night for Night Market V!