
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Oh, Mother Nature...

Here in Pittsburgh- it really feels like fall is here!!! (Which is crazy, right? It had better change!)
Which makes me think of back to school shopping!
In the next few days- one of my favorite blogs will be hosting an erra back to school giveaway!
So stay tuned!
In the mean time- here are a few goodies I can't wait to pick up for "back to school"!!!
From Anthropologie- by Seychelles

<3 erra

Friday, August 9, 2013

TGIF is now SLIF

Take a guess!
I love acronyms, maybe too much so, but they make me happy.

What are you doing crafty this weekend?
Here in the erra studio, I'm afraid it is not a making weekend, but a studio re-vamp weekend.

Why- well...lets go back...
Mini me background if you don't know
*grew up in a small biz family- art and craft supply store
*grandparents were both artists
*grandma had thousands (ok, maybe hundreds) of unfinished projects, as well as supplies, at her untimely death of 69
*grandpa passed away this winter
*nothing had really been dealt with in the house....gulp

So, we closed on the house last week and for everything that wasn't obviously just junk...we transported it into my workshop/our basement (sorry to my man of the house <3)

So over the next few weeks I'll share the progress, the awesome vintage finds (which some will also be listed at and the fun creations I come up with gramma goods!

Like this wicked awesome set of shears....!

Happy Craftin'!
<3 nicole @erra

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What To Make...Or What Makes You

I had a very interesting conversation with a fellow friend/artist yesterday. 
They have been suffering from some dark depression, etc., and the thing(s) that have helped them most are friends encouraging to get  art-ing again and the act of art-ing.

How awesome is that. Not the down-in-the-dumps, but how making and creating is saving them!!

I know about that- I've worked almost every job, have had tons of "kick-in-the-faces", 
and just not liked where my life was heading.

When I started making things again, it wasn't to make money, 
it was to because making was making me happy again! 

Wouldn't you know- I've finally realized my dream job- my dream life!
I'm not sure where my end goal is, whether it be a brick and mortar storefront or travelling for shows or online, but as long as I'm making, and get to see my art making other happy and laugh- all is well here <3

erra's new bicycle chain wine charms

Moral of the story:
 sit down, relax, think, and ponder with a glass of wine
how you are going to make your life awesome and happy!

<3 nicole @erra