
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 9 of erra's 12 Days of Christmas!!!

This is by far one of my favorite gifts for cyclists, machinists and everyone alike!

Our 8oz tin is adorned a reclaimed Bicycle gear.
Simple, stylish,  and just $8 today only (that includes free US shipping too!!!)
8 oz bicycle gear tin

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 8 of erra's 12 days of Christmas!

Short 'n sweet- here it is!

"The Cross" reclaimed Bicycle Chain Earrings
On sale TODAY for $12 (including FREE US shipping!) Regularly $20

Click here for the Deal of the Day

Sunday, December 8, 2013

erra's 12 Day of Chistmas: day 6


Today erra is featuring our wine charms- pack of 6 for half off! That's $7 for a great holiday party hostess gift, stocking stuffer- and for your own glasses!

Don't forget- free US shipping with no code required!

Friday, December 6, 2013

erra's 12 Days of Christmas Day 4!!!

Happy Day 4 of erra's 12 Days of Christmas!!

I love today's little finds- all made from vintage buttons and doodads- and other fun finds!
each pack is it's own unique pairing!

I'm sure Father Christmas would love to get these for you! ; )

Want a pack not available today? Lets talk tomorrow!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 3 of erra's 12 Day of Christmas

Isn't this FUN?!?!

For Day 3 of erra's 12 Days of Christmas, I would like to offer up everyone's favorite earrings made from reclaimed bicycle chain pieces. They are super light- and you can pick the accent color!
Regularly $15.00, today only $7.50 (including FREE US shipping!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Erra's 12 Days of Christams - Day 2!

DAY 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas!!!

Check out these darling 'lil antique bronze book marks adorned with vintage costume pearls or glass with an Eiffel Tower charm.

Normally $8.50 -only $5 today!!! Stock and stuff those stockings!!!

I'm looking for my magical elves- can you see them? =D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

it's the 12 days of Christmas!!!! ....Day 1

Growing up, we used to buy each other little itsy bitsy presents each of the 12 days leading up to Christmas.
I loved it so much- and still do it to this day!

I thought I would help share our tradition with you and yours!
Starting today and for the next 12 days- erra will be offering one of our handmade wares are a crazy low price (with free domestic US shipping, too!!!)
I have been blessed by such a fabulous year in just about every way!
Thanks for being here and reading along!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Cyber Monday (and Tuesday too!)

Hey friends!
I hope you had a glorious time with your friends and family this Thanksgiving holiday!
I just thought I would let you know of our 2 DAY cyber Monday sale!

Use code: 2DAYCYBER for 15% off your purchase of $20 or more-
Dura-Ace Cuff Links

Reclaimed Bullet Pencil 

The Original - Reclaimed Bicycle Earrings

Wire Wrapped Stone Bicycle Gear Necklace

We have things not made with bicycle parts, too!
Have a musician in your life?
try our tie clips, cuff links, and earrings made with REAL vintage music!
(earring studs available tomorrow!)

Looking for more deals on handcrafted local gifts?
Check out our friend's post for more details!

love and peace
<3 erra

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ding! Ring the Bell

What's that you say? Bring bring?

Check out erra's new bicycle bells! For the young at heart ONLY!

Find Here!

Want a special one for someone in your life? Custom ones are the way to go!

Send erra an email:

<3 erra

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Playing With Mud, or Something

Don't ya just hate when you NEED something and it is NOWHERE to be found?
I have a custom line I am doing for some wedding pieces that require 12 mm round 
resin pieces I have to cast. ...and nooooooo, no one sells a mold for that.

After much frustration, I realized that I could probably make my own mold!  AHA!


While I was writing this post, my boss came up to my desk (yes, I am at work, playing with toys, win) and he said "Perfect! You can make me the plastic parts I need for my car!"

So next project, plastic car pieces...time to grind some Legos and green army men!

nicole @erra

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Oh How Did I Forget...?

Forget What?! you ask?

Well, just when I started working my "desk" job almost 6 years ago, I walked into a super sterile desk area, like anyone. But I couldn't hang things...really nothing. After a few weeks, I had finished a lil' box of tea I had picked up when I was studying in London. Instead of throwing the box out, I thought it best to make my paper clip holder MINE (...and it lived in my drawer...where it wasn't "seen")

((see the arrow above? that's where I lived, in Notting Hill!))

How did I forget about this guy?
 I use him everyday!!!!
Maybe it's like the post-it note theory- that when you look at something everyday you stop seeing it, like a wall of post-it note reminders.

So I guess I need to get more on board with smelling the roses.

Fortune cookie says: Don't be afraid to take a chance when the opportunity of a lifetime appears
Pretty rockin'...and it's been there for over 5 years

love 'n peace

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back to School Resolutions

I remember the days when starting a new year in school could be compared to the New Year.
So much excitement- you don't know what new things will happen and what new people you'll meet. I also always had a sense of a resolution, something I was going to get better at or being to do.

It's been years since I was in school, but I still have this same sense at the end of the summer- when the smell of the air begins to change. Time for weeding out the warm weather clothing and shoes from my closet, putting away all of our picnic wares and decorations (don't worry- we still party, just inside or out by the fire pit!) I want to go buy new clothes, office supplies, yummies to pack our lunches with...........

Then the lists start: what needs a deep cleaning, clearing out all 8 of my email inboxes (ugh), detailing our cars, taming the paper monster...there is just a lot!!!

I'm going to do two things for sure
1. get my butt back to doing yoga (yay!)
2. plan our food menu for the week, every week, together

I found some great ideas, to make it a fun project for us, on Pinterest :)
(come follow erra on Pinterest, too!  )

hope one of them can help you too!

Menu board

все же да )

Silhouette Blog: Organization Week :: Menu Planning Board Part 1

I think the magnets may win!!! I'll share what we do - soon!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Oh, Mother Nature...

Here in Pittsburgh- it really feels like fall is here!!! (Which is crazy, right? It had better change!)
Which makes me think of back to school shopping!
In the next few days- one of my favorite blogs will be hosting an erra back to school giveaway!
So stay tuned!
In the mean time- here are a few goodies I can't wait to pick up for "back to school"!!!
From Anthropologie- by Seychelles

<3 erra

Friday, August 9, 2013

TGIF is now SLIF

Take a guess!
I love acronyms, maybe too much so, but they make me happy.

What are you doing crafty this weekend?
Here in the erra studio, I'm afraid it is not a making weekend, but a studio re-vamp weekend.

Why- well...lets go back...
Mini me background if you don't know
*grew up in a small biz family- art and craft supply store
*grandparents were both artists
*grandma had thousands (ok, maybe hundreds) of unfinished projects, as well as supplies, at her untimely death of 69
*grandpa passed away this winter
*nothing had really been dealt with in the house....gulp

So, we closed on the house last week and for everything that wasn't obviously just junk...we transported it into my workshop/our basement (sorry to my man of the house <3)

So over the next few weeks I'll share the progress, the awesome vintage finds (which some will also be listed at and the fun creations I come up with gramma goods!

Like this wicked awesome set of shears....!

Happy Craftin'!
<3 nicole @erra

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What To Make...Or What Makes You

I had a very interesting conversation with a fellow friend/artist yesterday. 
They have been suffering from some dark depression, etc., and the thing(s) that have helped them most are friends encouraging to get  art-ing again and the act of art-ing.

How awesome is that. Not the down-in-the-dumps, but how making and creating is saving them!!

I know about that- I've worked almost every job, have had tons of "kick-in-the-faces", 
and just not liked where my life was heading.

When I started making things again, it wasn't to make money, 
it was to because making was making me happy again! 

Wouldn't you know- I've finally realized my dream job- my dream life!
I'm not sure where my end goal is, whether it be a brick and mortar storefront or travelling for shows or online, but as long as I'm making, and get to see my art making other happy and laugh- all is well here <3

erra's new bicycle chain wine charms

Moral of the story:
 sit down, relax, think, and ponder with a glass of wine
how you are going to make your life awesome and happy!

<3 nicole @erra

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Boy, what a summer so far...!

Just wanted to share a guest post I wrote with all of you for Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership's- Project Pop-Up, Night Market.

The really exciting part? I have been the only person at all of them! Not food, organizers, nada, just erra!

So stay tuned for Night Market VI on Sept 27!!!

<3 nicole @guest post, gallery crawl, boutique 208, erra

Erra Creations Loves the Night Market and wants to see you tonight!

by Nicole Bloch, Erra Creations

I love Downtown Pittsburgh! I used to work Downtown and now jump at every chance I can to go into town for music, food, theater, art and now shopping with the awesome start of Pop-Up shops like Boutique 208! Besides the art in the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust's quarterly Gallery Crawl, has always been one of my favorite affairs to attend because of the vibrant people who light up our city at night.

It was only a year ago that Pittsburgh had not yet experienced a night market. And me? I'd never heard of such a thing. When I did learn of it, I'm pretty sure I squealed with excitement! An artisan and food market that takes over a parking lot in town after work hours- sign me up! 

I am the chick behind Erra Creations and I am a born and raised Pittsburgh artist. I love to tinker with just about anything and have become known for my wares from reclaimed bicycle parts! I do shows and events all over in the north east- and can honestly say the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership's Pop-Up: Night Market is one of my 3 favorite events of all time! In addition to the artists who come to show their work, there is amazing food-music-people! Whenever I am asked why I love it so, I reply- It's the best parking lot party ever!

I am so honored that Erra Creations has been the only artist at every Night Market- and hope to see you this Friday night for Night Market V!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Yay for June-eve!

Greetings and salutations!

     May was a CRAZY wonderful month. Had an amazing time at Dirt Fest and counting down the next 51 weeks until I get to go back (yay for Oskar Blues!)! Curious? Be nebby here : Dirt Fest

Powder coated bicycle chain? cool
made into necklaces with vintage marbles? awesome
Right now, they're only available at Boutique 208 and West Liberty Cycles and shows I'm hanging out at!
(online soon- I promise!!!)

Because it's June-eve, I have curated erra's tunes to groove to for June 2013!
Follow erracreations on Spotify!
Listen here

love and peace <3

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tunes To Groove To

happy movin' and groovin'!
here in the erra studio, we love music!!!

enjoy erra's monthly playlist curated for your creative times on Spotify!
a new one every month! 
sign up to the right for our mailing list so you can be the fist to know when a new playlist is created!

Lunch Time Crafting

 I have come to figure out - sitting at a desk, working on accounting things all day, makes me over anxious for 5 o'clock!!! I used to spend my lunch hours frantically running around getting every errand possible- done! (I can hit 4-5 stores in my hour break!) *gulp*

So, in lieu of the craziness, I have found that Lunch Time Crafting is the bestest!!

Stay tuned for the creations that arise!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Living Room Update

Our sub-flooring is done~ and the bamboo should be in on Thursday! 
(feels like months later- right?!)

We had a great weekend picking out colors and fabrics for the living room. 
So we purchased our new sectional ~

The Performance Velvet from West Elm is dreamy. We can't wait to sit on it!
(...and love it's really low profile!)

And paints!
Who knew that spontaneously deciding and agreeing on a bright light green 
accent color would ever happen!
I bet it's smashing against the bamboo flooring ;)

Happy painting!
nicole @erra

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What Do We Do Next???

I wrote yesterday about how we "impromptu" started tearing up our living room floor.

I don't know if it is because we bought a house and there are things to do, or spring is around the corner, but my brain is in overdrive mode to plan and hunt!

Now, I am well aware that One Note exists. 
It's a great program and use it frequently- but I just needed to cut paper and play with tape!

So we made a list of everything we want and need to do/buy.


Prioritized and separated MUST DO and  FUN!

Viola! No veering off track now!

Happy Making!